I was born at the perfect time to be a major player in ushering in the new energies of the Aquarian Age. My purpose is to hold the light as the planet deconstructs, and help create the potential for a new paradigm referred to as the “New Earth” that is being birthed. In my new book Escaping Madness: A Journey to Awakening, I tell my life stories, anecdotes, and revelations in a casual, conversational tone that is easily understood, enjoyable, relatable, and matter-of-fact, connecting the dots of my life experiences and revealing how they awakened my spiritual awareness. The book is emotionally moving, thought-provoking, mind-expanding, and always inspirational. It is narrated with a bit of humor which infiltrates into the reader's mind, heart, and soul.
Escaping Madness begins with an explanation of “old souls” and how they incarnate into their present lives with knowledge and understanding, accumulated from many past lives that younger souls don't possess. I use early childhood experiences to demonstrate how being an old soul played out in my life and put me on a singular path as a spiritual quester. A basic explanation of astrology and how it can be used in various ways in life is included since I reference it to explain many things. I spell out how I intuitively embraced the ‘knowing’ that we are not alone in the universe and that intergalactic forces have been stepping in since the beginning of time to facilitate the human race’s evolution. I share how my suicide attempt in my mid-twenties opened me up to the divine universal energy and launched me on my spiritual path. This awakening opened me up to people, books, and experiences which quickly catapulted me into the New Age of spiritual interconnectedness. My new awareness led me to yoga and the teacher who mentored me. Through this mentor, I learned about the power of mediation, reincarnation, and past lives. Most importantly, she encouraged my involvement in the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 which decided affirmatively that the human race would not self-destruct but move on to the transformation into the Aquarian Age in the new millennia. I emphasize the power of setting intentions and how this personally shaped my life and manifested my dream of being a healer. First, I became a massage therapist where I learned that I had the ability to project healing energy through my hands and to channel information from higher sources. This led me to energetic healing utilizing dowsing, which gave me the tools to become a medical intuitive. At a point when I thought I had it all figured out, life hit me with a challenge that was unavoidable that gifted me with great healing and growth opportunities. During my healing process, I was clued into my origins as a Starman embodying the energy of a Pleiadean which explained much of my earlier life. My latter life brought me full circle when I realized my current partner was the reincarnated soul of an important person I knew in my twenties. The last chapter goes into great detail about the transition we are now experiencing as we move into the Aquarian Age. I describe why, how, and what this age will manifest and project into the future what our world may look like.
The transformation is peaking now in 2024 and is awakening billions of people across the globe to their connectedness of the universe and oneness of the divine energy that is going to empower them to create a new paradigm on the planet. This book is perfectly timed to help them understand and explain how their own personal process of coming into the light is guiding them to persons, books, events, and experiences that will move them forward on their path. My stories offer comforting confirmation that they are not alone, nor crazy, and that the multitudes on the planet are also experiencing the same things. The specifics I share will help fast track the reader into their understanding that we are dynamic, energetic beings living in a multilayered universe. Readers will quickly master what took me a lifetime to figure out in the short time it takes them to read a book. One of the major themes throughout is the transition into the Aquarian Age. I provide in great detail what has been going on in the world for the past forty years energetically, on every level of society and human experience. In understanding that the old-world structures had to be deconstructed before new ones can be created, the reader can better decide where to put their energies and how to respond to new challenges that arise as we create the circumstances to thrive.
March 24th, 2024
April 8th,